So for the first time in this blog, we wander into amp territory, and we start with a fine piece of equipment, the Blackstar HT-5. This amp came into my knowledge through its impressive reviews all over the internet, mainly at Ultimate Guitar, where there is a thread dedicated to the owners of this fine amp head. It is considered by many to be by far the best sounding amp in it's price range. It retails in the UK at roughly £400, which makes it far from cheap, but for a tube amp, it's very well priced. Tube amps are superior to speaker amps in every single way, and tone is just so much cleaner. Now, this Blackstar HT-5 is a 5 watt head. So you're probably thinking, 5 watts? That's tiny. Well yes, it is, but that is the point of this amp, it is a home practice amp or it can be used in a studio. It is not meant to be a facemelter. The point behind its wattage being so low is that, when a tube amp is turned up to it's highest volumes, it produces it's best sound, this amp is quieter, so you can play it on its top-end to get those great tones, but at the same time, you won't be able to hear it from a mile away, as would be the case if you went and bought something like the 100 watt Peavey Valveking. At 5 watt, it's not the ideal amp for gigging, but it will work if it is mic'd up through a PA system. This is highly recommended, you'll be able to share the great tone of this amp with the world.
So, about the head. Well, it's 5 watt as you know. It has two channels, a clean channel and an overdrive channel, that you can interchange between using a foot-switch. The foot-switch is included when you by the HT-5. It has a setting called the ISF, which stands for Infinite Shape Feature. This feature is amazing, it allows you to change between a UK and a US sound, and there is a clear difference, it it sounds great. You can get that classic gain from British metal, it is in essence a EQ, it allows you to either get that British Marhsall sound or that American Mesa Boogie sound, what better? It has all the controls you'd expect, gain, volume, treble, middle, bass, and it also comes with an effects loop, you really do get a lot for your money with this amp. Unlike most amps below half a grand, you actually get a good distortion sound from the amp itself with the Blackstar, you can make it more gainy or such by adding in pedals, such as an Ibanez Tubescreemer, but it isn't all that necessary, this is a great amp from stock, just plug your guitar straight in, EVH style, or so he claims.
The Blackstar HT-5 can be bought with two 10 inch cabs that are also manufactured by Blackstar, this is the Blackstar HT-5 mini stack. The Blackstar cabs are rated highly, however are not rated the best, some may want to just get the head an use cabs of their own, however for their price, the Blackstar cabs are very much worth considering, they are celestion, and they do sound very good.
I highly recommend this amp to anyone who wants that tube quality, without paying a grand, and who wants to be able to use the amp at home as well as at gigs and band practice. it sounds fantastic, it's very affordable, and it is styled very well. A full stack in your bedroom? How cool is that! It'll be a great show off piece, for its sound and it's style, you'll really look the part, and anyone who hears you play will be very pleased by the sound to their ears.
So good people, what do you think of Blackstar products, and the HT-5? Had a chance to play one, share your knowledge, thanks.