Saturday 18 July 2009

Timeless playing

That's not a reference to some video of a virtuoso playing an all-time classic, it's literally playing guitar as if time doesn't exist. So, it's almost 9am here in the UK, and I've been up since 2pm yesterday, so I've been up a long time. I haven't been sleeping right lately, and tonight I just gave up, decided I'll tire myself out, and get a great sleep tonight. One of the reasons I have been up all night is the reasoning behind this posted, my curiosity has been aroused. I've been up all night (Snap on the name of the first Razorlight album, good album that) because I lost track of time playing guitar, and my body didn't tell me I was tired, it must've been adrenaline from the shredding. One thing is feeling tired now though, well, 8 things, my fingers. They're torn, I literally bled from playing, I've been playing for about 9 hours straight, since about midnight, there's really nothing better to do in the early hours. Now, you're probably thinking, what an idiot! stop playing, get some sleep, you're not doing yourself any favours. Now why this is almost certainly true, I felt compelled to carry on playing. And this is where my curiosity was aroused, by two questions I have for all other guitarists.

The first question is, do you produce better material at night?
Right, I ask this, mainly on the evidence that I do. I can't explain it, maybe it's just being more relaxed or being completely undisturbed, but I always produce my best material at night. Be it riffs, solos or lyrics, I only churn out the good stuff past midnight. Many inspired nights, I have watched a video on youtube of one of my guitar idols, and then been compelled to play the night away, almost aimlessly improvising, and it always results in a riff or rythmn section that I'm really happy with. If I was happy to play with my own sanity through insomnia a bit more, I'd probably be able to write albums filled with good material (From a personal perspective anyway) unfortunately, I'm a man, and 1/3 of my routine of eat, sleep and guitar is sleep, so therefore, I need it. So, do any of you experience this composing release at the most ridiculous of hours? Or have specific times or places that are the only environment in which you can write?

The second is about your material, or what you're playing. When you find something that you think is really catchy, but you've been playing for hours, and you should probably sleep, or eat, or do whatever you need to do, do you continue and try and add more to it and make it a song, or do you put your guitar down and come back to it? I ask because the second is an option that I just can't take. Once I find something I like, I can't stop playing. This leads to why I've just played 9 hours straight and my fingers are bleeding (I can see a bit of blood on the D string). I found something that I really like, possibly the greatest riff I've ever stumbled upon, in my own playing days, I love it, and so I just couldn't stop playing it, perfecting it, adding more to it, making a song around it, and god knows what else, just to idolise this riff I'd made. When you're enjoying your playing, because you've found something great, guitar becomes like an addiction. Despite a glance at the clock, and seeing I should have been asleep long ago, I just couldn't stop playing. So, the second question to you guys, when you're onto the next big thing, do you find it impossible to stop playing?

Typing this blog, you can see I've now finally stopped playing, just out of sheer exhaustion, I can see this is gonna be a heavy day, but It has been worth it, I've just got down about 3 songs in the past 9 hours, that can all be perfected and then hopefully hit with some lyrics and performed.

Please do share your own experiences or any similarities to these questions. :)
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